
2024 ESHS Scholarship Recognition Ceremony

The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation recognized our Elkhorn South High School scholarship winners at our Scholarship Recognition Ceremony on April 23rd, 2024.

The scholarship recipients should be immensely proud of the hard work that has led them to their accomplishments! Your determination, organization, and commitment will take you far in life. Congratulations from the Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation, Elkhorn South High School, the scholarship selection committees, and our scholarship donors!

Community-Funded Scholarships

The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation currently administers 125 unique scholarships on the behalf of Elkhorn families, businesses, and organizations. During ceremonies, the Foundation awarded 212 community-funded scholarships worth $307,800 to Elkhorn Public Schools’ seniors! We are extremely grateful for our scholarship donors, our scholarship representatives, and our 112 volunteer selection committees who partner with the Foundation to provide these great scholarship opportunities for our Elkhorn students!

Community-Funded Scholarship Winners at ESHS

American Legion Post 211 ScholarshipCarter O’Neel
Bixby Memorial Humanitarian ScholarshipKobe Eikmeier
Building Independent Futures ScholarshipQuinn Athy
Building Independent Futures ScholarshipMadison Beatty
Building Independent Futures ScholarshipMadalyn Prescott
Building Independent Futures ScholarshipBrooklyn Tonjes
Core Bank Cares ScholarshipAva Fowler
Don Nordlund ScholarshipAlexis Feist
Dr. Matthew Latacha Memorial ScholarshipChristopher Stevenson
Echelon Homes Construction & Engineering ScholarshipJessica Tackett
Elkhorn Athletic Association ScholarshipKatelyn Franzen
Elkhorn Athletic Association ScholarshipTy Nielsen
Elkhorn Historical Society ScholarshipQuinn Lewis
Elkhorn Kids Campus Employee ScholarshipMemphis Hurley
Elkhorn Kids Campus Former Student ScholarshipNicole Schulz
Elkhorn Lawn Care Entrepreneur ScholarshipQuinn Lewis
Elkhorn Lions Club Arnold Fencl ScholarshipDrew Hasenkamp
Elkhorn Public Library Foundation High School ScholarshipKatelyn Franzen
Elkhorn Ridge Middle School Booster Club ScholarshipMemphis Hurley
Elkhorn Ridge Middle School Booster Club ScholarshipArchita Raj
Elkhorn South Choral Arts Booster ScholarshipFrances Bernhard
Elkhorn South Choral Arts Booster ScholarshipJoshua Orsini
Elkhorn Swim Team Booster Club ScholarshipEllie Draper
Elkhorn Swim Team Booster Club ScholarshipNicole Schulz
Elkhorn Trap ScholarshipClinton Schumacher
Elkhorn United Lacrosse ScholarshipParker Lewis
Elkhorn United Lacrosse ScholarshipLuke Reger
Elkhorn Valley View Middle School Booster Club ScholarshipDhwani Dholakia
Elkhorn Valley View Middle School Booster Club ScholarshipConnor Preble
Elkhorn Volunteer Rescue ScholarshipJack Homan
Elkhorn Youth Sports Association Attack Basketball ScholarshipConnor Preble
EPS Alumni ScholarshipFrances Parks
ESHS Band Booster ScholarshipJeremiah Mohring
ESHS Boys Basketball Booster ScholarshipAidan Skradis
ESHS Boys Soccer Booster Club ScholarshipMason Chaplin
ESHS Boys Soccer Booster Club ScholarshipSamuel Keith
ESHS Football Booster Club ScholarshipTy Nielsen
ESHS Football Booster Club ScholarshipAidan Skradis
ESHS Football Futures ScholarshipDylan Kingston
ESHS Football Futures ScholarshipLandon Wemhoff
ESHS Girls Soccer Booster Club ScholarshipJosie Almquist
ESHS Girls Soccer Booster Club ScholarshipAvery Black
ESHS Softball Booster Club ScholarshipAllison Borkowski
ESHS Softball Booster Club ScholarshipTaylor Horsham
ESHS Tennis Booster Club ScholarshipIsa Hustad
ESHS Tennis Booster Club ScholarshipAndrew Nelson
ESHS Volleyball Booster ScholarshipSarah Galligan
ESHS Wrestling Booster ScholarshipLucas Wilson
Excellence in Action ScholarshipAva Fowler
Excellence in Action ScholarshipJia Zhong Pan
Fire Ridge Elementary PTO ScholarshipAshton McDermott
G.E.A.R.S. Car Club – Gary Markmann Memorial ScholarshipClinton Schumacher
George A. & Mary W. Buck Memorial ScholarshipFrances Parks
John Greufe Memorial ScholarshipElizabeth Eischeid
Kevin Riggert ScholarshipClinton Schumacher
Legacy Eyecare ScholarshipEmily Tichota
Legacy Eyecare ScholarshipElise Whalen
Margretta, Gladys & Mabel Hamann Memorial ScholarshipEllie Draper
Mary Kaye Eggers Memorial ScholarshipAidan Wesener
McArdle Grading Company Scholarship in memory of Scoop, Betty, and Tim McArdleClinton Schumacher
Paul K. Barnes Achievement in Academics ScholarshipEthan Farrell
Philip E. Lawler Memorial ScholarshipDhwani Dholakia
Renaissance Financial ScholarshipAddison Penke
Sam Osborn Memorial ScholarshipMadalyn Prescott
Secondhand Support, Inc. ScholarshipArchita Raj
Skyline Elementary PTO ScholarshipJeremiah Mohring
Spring Ridge Elementary PTO ScholarshipNicole Schulz
The Ramsbottom Scholarship of DistinctionKenna Jordan
The Ramsbottom Scholarship of DistinctionJessica Tackett
Tom Roach Memorial ScholarshipTy Nielsen
Tony Ramaeker SRO ScholarshipSudiksha Chaudhary
Trent Tiller Memorial ScholarshipClinton Schumacher
West Bay Elementary PTO ScholarshipAva Fowler
West O Chamber ScholarshipReagan Kays
Western Douglas County Rotary Club ScholarshipQuinn Lewis
Wright Sisters’ Cheer ScholarshipJordan Halstead
Wright Sisters’ Cheer ScholarshipSoryn VanHerpen

EPSF ACHIEVE Career & Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship

We are excited to announce the new ACHIEVE Career & Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship. Students must complete coursework in one Career & Technical Education Program of Focus, and complete a multitude of Career Exploration Experiences, Extra-Curricular Activities, and Community Service. For the inaugural year, the Foundation is awarding 32 ACHIEVE CTE Scholarships worth $35,050.

EPSF ACHIEVE Career & Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship Winners at ESHS

EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipJack Carney
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipIsabella Carraher
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipMia Deleidi
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipDhwani Dholakia
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipEthan Farrell
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipElise Hammes
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipGwyneth Hensley
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipKalob Horton
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipMemphis Hurley
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipAntonio Jarrett
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipGeorge Kolb
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipGrant Meisgeier
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipTy Nielsen
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipParker Thornton
EPSF ACHIEVE CTE ScholarshipEmily Tichota

EPSF ACHIEVE Advanced Placement (AP) Scholarships

The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation ACHIEVE Advanced Placement (AP) Scholarship has a long standing history in the Elkhorn Public Schools District. This scholarship rewards students who challenge themselves by taking 4 or more AP classes and are actively involved in their school and community. This year the Foundation is awarding 214 ACHIEVE AP Scholarships totaling $226,000.

EPSF ACHIEVE Scholarship Winners at ESHS

EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipNatalie Aksyonov
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipJosie Almquist
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEimaan Azimi
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipRuby Barger
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEmme Bazata
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipAvery Black
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipChase Brammer
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipJack Carney
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipIsabella Carraher
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMorgan Castle
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipLillie Caulder
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMason Chaplin
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipSudiksha Chaudhary
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEllyse Cheatle
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEvan Choi
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMia Deleidi
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipDelaney Dervin
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipDhwani Dholakia
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEthan Duda
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipElizabeth Eischeid
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipAllan Fan
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEthan Farrell
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipAlexis Feist
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipRyan Fitton
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEamon Flynn
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipAva Fowler
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipElijah Fox
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipKatelyn Franzen
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipSarah Galligan
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMadison Govier
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipJordan Halstead
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipElise Hammes
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEmilia Harwart
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipGwyneth Hensley
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMaclaina Hodges
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMorghan Horstman
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipChuyee Huang
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipIsa Hustad
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipJacob Irwin
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipKate Jessen
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipCarson Knutson
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipKyla Knutson
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipGeorge Kolb
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMaren Kraudy
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipCooper Krause
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipQuinn Lewis
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipHannah Longnecker
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipAvery McGee
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipReagan McNeel
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipGrant Meisgeier
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipGrant Meyer
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipSamuel Meyer
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipJeremiah Mohring
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMakenzie Mueller
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipAndrew Nelson
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipTy Nielsen
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipCarter O’Neel
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipFrances Parks
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipBrooklynn Parr
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEmma Perkes
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipCarson Peters
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipOlivia Pincock
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipAva Powers
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipConnor Preble
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipKatherine Probasco
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipArchita Raj
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMarek Rasmussen
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipLuke Reger
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipWren Robinson
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipNicole Schulz
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipChristopher Stevenson
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMichelle Swanson
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipJessica Tackett
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipLauren Taylor
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEllyssa Thiem
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipZoey Thomalla
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipParker Thornton
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipEmily Tichota
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipTobias Tsai
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipSoryn VanHerpen
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipDrew Veomett
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipIan Walker
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipKeegan Walters
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipBrianna Watzke
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipAidan Wesener
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipElise Whalen
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipBrady Winterstein
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipMadison Wright
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipRachel Wu
EPSF ACHIEVE AP ScholarshipLuke Zhu

A big thank you to our 2024 Scholarship Recognition Ceremonies
Event Sponsor, Bland & Associates!